04 Dec 2016


ලියන්නද දේවල් නැත්තෙ, ලියන්න වචනනම් ගලන්නෙ හැබැයි ඉඩෝරෙට වතුර කැපුවාම කරාමෙන් එන වතුර බින්දු වගේ.

ගියමාසෙ මම ලිව්වෙ design හුට පටයක් ගැන. එව …

07 Nov 2016


With any sufficiently complex system, a major overhaul always creates more problems than it solves; there's enough and more "case studies" of the type you read about in Software Engineering to back it up. Things that were fixed over years and countless late night hacking sessions and painstaking iterations break …

15 Oct 2016


Well, I expected this deluge of werk werk werk to sweep me off my feet, but it has been pretty thoroughly overwhelming to get back in the saddle. In the last two weeks I have encountered highs and lows that staying at home comfortably cushioned me from for weeks, got …

11 Aug 2016

Status Update: Mid-August

We are bound by all the rest

Like the same phone number

All the same friends

And the same address

Today, I watched Casey Neistat repair a chair to get over the boredom of jury duty and having nothing productive to do all day. He got a 90 minute lunch …

15 Jul 2016


'Cause I am hanging on every word you say

And even if you don't want to speak tonight

That's alright, alright with me...

Today's been a bit of an off-day. In the last few days I've a couple of interesting Medium posts. Highlights:

A healthy product company is, confusingly, one …

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