15 Mar 2021

On the making of "Paramitha"
Where the "making of" is longer than what it's about

One week ago, on 7 March, I released my animated short Paramitha. I stared working on it in early February and just as I expected it took ~4 weeks of work to finish. I used Krita for the drawing and frame-by-frame animations, and Synfig Studio for things like parallax.

The …

23 Oct 2020

Links: What I've Been Watching

Here's a small recap of what I've been watching on the ol' YouTube.

Practical Engineering

Grady Hillhouse just has the most calming presence on screen, and he explains complex engineering concepts with simple practical setups. His series’ on concrete, hydraulics, and the power grid are not only information-packed but witty …

07 Feb 2020

Links: January Tunes

2020 has been an interesting year musically, so here are some of my favourite music this year.

Theo Katzman

Vulf wunderkind Theo's album, "Modern Johnny Sings: Songs in the Age of Vibe", has been the talk of the town.

Cory Wong

Speaking of Vulf alum, Cory's album "Elevator Music for …

09 Jan 2019

A brief history of my ‘work music’
Or rather: a history of what I’ve worked on over the years through the music I was listening to at the time.

2011: Live Forever — Oasis

These were the heady days of youthful exuberance, when any idea seemed like it was worth pursuing — all the world’s problems could be solved with code, y’know? — and the internet was new, exciting, and as yet relatively uncommercialised. I was going through a major …

27 Oct 2016

Listen To The Girl

So much going on right now, and all I want to do is run away and get a good night's sleep.

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