විපතෙහි සැපතෙහි
නොසැළෙයි නොතැවෙයි
අටලෝ දම හුරු හෙළයා
විපතෙහි සැපතෙහි
නොසැළෙයි නොතැවෙයි
අටලෝ දම හුරු හෙළයා
ලියන්නද දේවල් නැත්තෙ, ලියන්න වචනනම් ගලන්නෙ හැබැයි ඉඩෝරෙට වතුර කැපුවාම කරාමෙන් එන වතුර බින්දු වගේ.
ගියමාසෙ මම ලිව්වෙ design හුට පටයක් ගැන. එව …
With any sufficiently complex system, a major overhaul always creates more problems than it solves; there's enough and more "case studies" of the type you read about in Software Engineering to back it up. Things that were fixed over years and countless late night hacking sessions and painstaking iterations break …
So much going on right now, and all I want to do is run away and get a good night's sleep.
Well, I expected this deluge of werk werk werk to sweep me off my feet, but it has been pretty thoroughly overwhelming to get back in the saddle. In the last two weeks I have encountered highs and lows that staying at home comfortably cushioned me from for weeks, got …
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