08 Jun 2019

The future wasn’t supposed to be this way

Romeo was a Montegue, the powerful ruling clan. Juliet was a Capulet, a member of a minority (and yet, a privileged minority in many ways).

Romeo adored Juliet. They had rarely spoken, but he was an ardent follower of her work since his teens. He was very much smitten, amazed …

27 Jan 2019

Life is a [WIP]
Attā hi attanō nāthō


Credits to the incredible Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders

I recently read an article about Hard Determinism, the theory that there is no free will, and that given the initial values of things like the physical constants (the speed of light, the gravitational constant G etc), a universe …

09 Jan 2019

A brief history of my ‘work music’
Or rather: a history of what I’ve worked on over the years through the music I was listening to at the time.

2011: Live Forever — Oasis

These were the heady days of youthful exuberance, when any idea seemed like it was worth pursuing — all the world’s problems could be solved with code, y’know? — and the internet was new, exciting, and as yet relatively uncommercialised. I was going through a major …

04 May 2017


හිස්‌ අහසේ සරණ විහඟෙක්‌ සේ

භික්‍ෂුව බහු භාණ්‌ඩික නොවිය යුතුයි. යම් දිසාවකට යන කල්හි පාසිවුරු, ඇතිරිලි, තෙල්, සකුරු ආදී බොහෝ උපකරණ පොදි බැද ම …

25 Apr 2017

ජීවනෝපාය ජීවනාලිය කරගැනීම

ගොඩදෙනෙක් "රාජකාරිය දේවකාරිය" කරගෙන තියෙනවනෙ. මාත් ඒ වගේ කෙනෙක්. ජීවිතේ මොන මොන කරදර තිබුනත් මාසෙ අන්තිමට පඩිය හරි හම්බවෙනවනෙ කියාගෙන …

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