31 Oct 2020

On Foundation
Was Issac Asimov Hari Seldon?

I finished Isaac Asimov's seminal work, the first book of the Foundation trilogy, yesterday. This is my short review that I added on Goodreads:

I think it's a bit harsh to rate this book using modern standards when it was written in the 1940s. Yes, it's not as fast paced …

23 Oct 2020

Links: What I've Been Watching

Here's a small recap of what I've been watching on the ol' YouTube.

Practical Engineering

Grady Hillhouse just has the most calming presence on screen, and he explains complex engineering concepts with simple practical setups. His series’ on concrete, hydraulics, and the power grid are not only information-packed but witty …

09 Oct 2020

Clearing The Slate

I like blank slates, and I like closure.

My JIRA board at work has a bunch of stubborn tickets that won't go away. This seems to mirror life in general, in that the peace that I seek, of finally finishing what I've been working on, seems to be drifting further …

25 Jul 2020

Falling in Love

you fall in love

over a phone call

in the backseat of the cinema

reading whatsapps at 1 am

at a candle lit dinner

or when you're the first to hear about their day


you fall in love

every time you work out

or take a good shower

sit down …

05 Jul 2020

Tagged Template Literals are Awesome!
Tagged under "better write this down before I forget"

You will often need to implement text that looks like this:

Highlighted Text

Now, it's fairly simple enough to do in HTML, but when you do it in React Native it looks a bit gnarly:

<Text style={styles.text}>
  You’re going to <Text style={styles.highlighted}>send a message</Text> to …

Built using Pelican.